NSW 2019 – election day


Polls have just opened across New South Wales. This post is just a placeholder and open thread to post comments during the day. I may post a few updates here if there are developments.

The final Newspoll was released last night, with the Coalition on 51% of the two-party-preferred vote, up one point on the previous poll. The poll suggests a drop in the Coalition primary since 2015 from 46% to 41%, but only a 1% increase in the Labor primary. Interestingly the poll has the Coalition winning 52-48 in Sydney but tied 50-50 in the rest of NSW, which translates to a bigger swing in regional areas, as predicted.

I’ll see everyone at 6pm tonight.

2pm – I voted this morning at Rosehill Public School in the seat of Parramatta. No democracy sausage there. I noticed when I looked at the Democracy Sausage website map that you can see what some have described as the ‘latte line‘ dividing Sydney from north-west to south-east (also known as the Red Rooster line) – there are a lot more booths registering food stalls across northern Sydney, the inner west and the eastern suburbs compared to the western suburbs.

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  1. Lots of Lib and ALP in Coogee, just one Green.

    Looked very friendly, but I was surprised there were that many Libs.

  2. Adrian
    I thought you were old enough to remember tha absolute fraud that occurred with Union postal ballots.
    I think we currently have the best electoral system in the world
    Politically Fair
    And bureaucratic (no variance between Sydney Brisbane or Perth)
    Adaptable to deal with minor hicks WA Senate fiasco.

    Biggest problems have been caused by withdrawing government resources. Eg
    Ballot boxes and screens no longer kept at schools replaced each time

    Too many legislative changes leading to confusion by electoral office staff especially Casual Staff.

    Qld electoral Act Re legislated every election for last four elections

    Act should be hardback printed volume with no more tha odd change every twenty years or so.
    As is changed by every Premier in last thirty years..

    The absolute worst thing we should do is go electronic..

  3. I always like going to my local polling booth in the seat of Ballina, it’s such a refreshing and unusual sight. Huge numbers of Greens manning the booth and handing out HTVs. Posters of Tamara Smith everywhere. It’s almost like the town has been painted green, seriously. Posters warning people that “Labor + Shooters = More Guns”. On the other side of the entrance there was a red tent with around 5 Labor booth workers in it. In between the hordes of Greens volunteers and the Labor tent there were three guys in yellow and dark green looking very awkward and uncomfortable lol. You could tell that the three Nats knew they were in Greens heartland. Despite this, everyone was super polite and friendly to each other. I even observed a Greens volunteer having what appeared to be a warm and friendly chat with one of the Nats as I walked back out. The teams from the three parties all stood respectfully beside one another. I’m sure the Greens, Labor, and Nats would all be proud of how they were represented at the booth. It was a nice reminder that it is still possible to get along with someone even when you strongly disagree with their political views.

  4. I love watching an election coverage on ABC TV and on Tally Room which is better than men’s “yawn” sport any day.

  5. Andrew – The very credible AEC and state equivalents are not a union. Many voters use a postal vote already.

  6. Sorry I’ve been unable to contribute to the great threads here. For Labor to have any chance they must do well in the south west of Sydney. They must win East Hills, Holsworthy, Oatley and Heathcote. I don’t think they can do it. I think the Libs can win a couple off Labor. Hung parliament, Coalition to have more seats.

  7. It will be interesting to see if the racialist comments from the socialist leader about Asians recently will get, or not get, votes for this bogan comrade.

  8. If Labour lose tonight, There will be some serious question about whether they can win an election again in NSW

  9. I’m in a quandary. I’m very happy to support Gladys but I am extremely angry about building a ne2 stadium . I want Gladys but I do t want the stadium

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