8:27am – Polls have now closed in the UK election, and over the course of the day we will be getting results from each constituency.
I won’t be providing a constant thread of updates but will occasionally post updates through the day.
The main exit poll has predicted a result of:
- Conservative – 316
- Labour – 239
- SNP – 58
- Liberal Democrats – 10
If this poll is right, the Conservatives should be able to form a slim majority with the support of the Lib Dems, the DUP, or both. It also suggests an almost-complete SNP wipe-out in Scotland.
Stay with us as we find out whether this exit poll is correct.
10:32am – So far we’ve got ten seats reported, and none of them have changed hands. There’s lots of stories and rumours about seats that haven’t reported, and I won’t try and capture them all. It’s worth noting that most people watching the count in Thanet South expect UKIP leader Nigel Farage to lose his election bid.
1:05pm – So far we’ve had almost 200 seats called. Labour has lost 33 seats, mostly Scottish seats. The SNP has gained 35 seats. The Conservatives have gained four and lost one, while the Liberal Democrats have lost eight seats and only retained three. The Liberal Democrats have retained their seat of Orkney and Shetland, the only Scottish seat so far not to go to the SNP.
3:33pm – There’s now a lot of results in. In Scotland, the Liberal Democrats, Conservatives and Labour have each won one seat, and another is undecided. The rest have gone to the SNP, giving them nine times their previous number, and five times their record result.
At the moment, the Conservatives have gained a net 20 seats, which would put them roughly on track for the slimmest of majorities. It seems likely they will have a few more gains, and they’ll end up getting a slim majority.
Seven of the first eight seats declared show swings to Labour.
I am following the BBC coverage online. The live scroll of updates is invaluable.
They seem already on the verge of proclaiming it a poor result for Labor and a probable Tory win. (e.g. talking about Labor dumping Milliband, etc). Bit early for that I thought, but maybe they know something we don’t.
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