Nominations closed yesterday, with 433 candidates nominating for the Queensland state election. This included 177 candidates not yet identified for this website at the time of writing my last post.
The LNP and Labor both filled the few gaps in their candidate ranks. The Greens also unveiled an additional 60 candidates to run a full ticket of 89 candidates.
The Palmer United Party has the fourth-largest number of candidates, running fifty candidates across the state.
In addition, there are 28 Family First candidates, and eleven candidates each for One Nation and Katter’s Australian Party.
Antony Green has posted a comparison of the number of candidates running per party compared to previous Queensland state elections.
Overall, the number of candidates is only slightly up on the 430 candidates who ran in 2012, and still less than the record 438 candidates who ran in 1998.
The most notable change is in the ranks of Katter’s Australian Party candidates. KAP ran candidates in 76 seats in 2012, and this time they are only running in eleven seats. There are four seats where KAP came second in 2012 where they are not running this time.
Overall, the average number of candidates per seat is 4.9.
There are ten seats where three candidates are running – in all cases these candidates are Labor, LNP and Greens.
There are also 25 seats where four candidates are running, 29 seats where five are running, and 17 seats where six are running. In eight seats, seven candidates are running.
You can download the list of candidates here. Over the course of the next few days I will update each seat profile with the final list of candidates, including a lot more candidate links.