British Columbia now has three examples of a vote this decade where a relatively small difference in vote results in lopsided seat numbers, which appears to be remarkably common in Canada. the 2001 provincial election saw the Liberal Party win a ridiculous 77 of 79 ridings in the province. This helped trigger the electoral reform process, and in 2005 the first STV referendum won a majority of the vote in 77 ridings, despite only winning 57.7% of the vote. This time around, the ‘yes’ vote only won in 7 out of 85 seats, despite winning almost 40% of the vote.
Since the electorate result was so lopsided, I have used a different method of colouring seats. I have coloured blue all seats which voted ‘no’ by a higher margin than the statewide total, and coloured green all seats that either voted ‘yes’ or voted ‘no’ by a margin smaller than the statewide total.

Have you tried using an alpha channel value less than 100% for the colours of the overlays, so that they’re semi-transparent?
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