The presence of parties in Victorian councils

As part of the nomination process for the 2024 Victorian council elections, each candidate was asked to fill out a questionnaire. One of the questions was whether the candidate was endorsed by a party. Not everyone did the survey, but most candidates did. This...

New Victorian council guides published

The Victorian council elections are now upon us - ballot papers are in the mail now, and will be counted on the day of the Queensland election, October 26. I previously completed the first half of my council guide, covering the first 16 of 33...

Podcast #132: ACT election preview

Ben is joined by Jasper Lindell from the Canberra Times to preview the upcoming Australian Capital Territory election, with a Labor-Greens government facing the voters after 23 years of Labor government and 16 years of the Greens in the balance of power. This podcast is...

NSW federal redistribution – final margins

The Australian Electoral Commission today published the maps and data for the final boundaries for New South Wales for next year's federal election, which makes it possible to calculate final margins and show maps of the new boundaries. After the fold, the map shows the...

Queensland candidates announced

Nominations closed today for the Queensland state election, with the full list of candidates now announced. I have compiled my spreadsheet and am still working on collecting links for all the candidates and plan to have the final candidate lists up by tomorrow morning. Overall there...

Black by-election triggered in South Australia

Former Liberal leader David Speirs resigned from parliament today, after his house was raised by police in relation to a video published last month, not long after his resignation from the leadership. I have now published my guide for the Black by-election, which I expect...

Podcast #131: Catching up on Queensland

Ben is joined by Dennis Atkins to preview the upcoming Queensland state election. This podcast is supported by the Tally Room’s supporters on Patreon. If you find this podcast worthwhile please consider giving your support. You can listen to an ad-free version of this podcast if you...

ACT candidates updated

This is a very quick blog post as I am catching up on stuff that has been happening while moving house. On the very day that I moved house, nominations were announced for the ACT election. I won't be doing a lot on this specific...

NSW councils – declaration of results post

4:00pm Tuesday - We are now approaching the end of the declaration process. In Ryde, the third Liberal won the final seat in Ryde West, giving the Liberals a total of eight seats against three Labor, one Greens and Roy Maggio. A very solid result...

WA federal redistribution – final margins

The maps and data for the final WA federal redistribution were released on Tuesday this last week but unfortunately I was busy at the time packing up to move house the next day. I have now had a chance to update the analysis I...