ALP 6.90%
Incumbent MP
Annastacia Palaszczuk, since 2006.
South-East Queensland. Inala covers southwestern parts of the City of Brisbane and parts of Ipswich LGA. Inala covers the suburbs of Durack, Richlands, Inala, Carole Park, Camira and parts of Darra, Forest Lake and Springfield.
The seat of Inala has existed since 1992, and in that time it has always been held by the ALP, being held successively by two members of the same family.
Henry Palaszczuk won the seat in 1992. He served as a minister from 1998 to 2006, when he retired.
Annastacia Palaszczuk won the seat in 2006, and was re-elected in 2009 and 2012.
Palaszczuk served as a minister from 2009 to 2012, and has served as Leader of the Opposition since the 2012 election.
- Annastacia Palaszczuk (Labor)
- Silke Volkmann (Greens)
- Adam Hannant (Liberal National)
Inala is a safe Labor seat. In the landslide election of 2012, Labor’s vote was higher in Inala than in any other seat.
2012 election result
Candidate | Party | Votes | % | Swing |
Annastacia Palaszczuk | Labor | 12,016 | 46.22 | -17.73 |
Joanna Lindgren | Liberal National | 9,115 | 35.06 | +11.34 |
Ashley Dodd | Katter’s Australian | 2,993 | 11.51 | +11.51 |
Michael Quall | Greens | 1,874 | 7.21 | -0.82 |
2012 two-party-preferred result
Candidate | Party | Votes | % | Swing |
Annastacia Palaszczuk | Labor | 13,410 | 56.90 | -14.63 |
Joanna Lindgren | Liberal National | 10,159 | 43.10 | +14.63 |

Booth breakdown
Booths in Inala have been split into three parts: east, west and north-east.
The ALP won a majority of the two-party-preferred vote in all three areas, and also topped the primary vote in all three areas.
The Labor two-party-preferred vote ranged from 52.7% in the west to 63.2% in the north-east. Labor’s primary vote ranged from 40.9% in the west to 53.2% in the north-east.
The LNP primary vote ranged from 30.2% in the north-east to 37.5% in the west.
The Katter’s Australian Party primary vote ranged from 10.2% in the north-east to 13.9% in the west.
The Electoral Commission does not publish two-party-preferred figures by polling place, so two-party-preferred figures in the following table and map are estimates.
Voter group | ALP prim % | LNP prim % | KAP prim % | ALP 2PP % | Total | % of votes |
East | 47.15 | 35.86 | 10.85 | 56.80 | 9,198 | 35.38 |
West | 40.94 | 37.48 | 13.93 | 52.75 | 6,377 | 24.53 |
North-East | 53.25 | 30.15 | 10.20 | 63.24 | 5,217 | 20.07 |
Other votes | 43.99 | 35.61 | 11.04 | 55.65 | 5,206 | 20.02 |

I often laugh when I see LNP candidates listed for seats like these. You gotta wonder what’s in it for them? I mean you are supposed to enter a contest with a belief you can win but surely these people can’t be that naive? All that door knocking and hard work for what? It’s almost sad. The Labor people who nominate for seats like Lockyer are in a similar boat. Wasting their precious time.
It’s probably two types who contest these sorts of seats.
1) Younger party members who want to gain experience and earn lots of Brownie points with the party for the future. Do a good job in Inala this time, and maybe you’ll get a better prospect next time. Quite a few high achievers have cut their teeth contesting unwinnable opposition seats over the years.
2) “Low flyer” party loyalists who don’t want a full-time political career, or are honest enough to admit they don’t have what it takes, but are keen to fly the flag. To even be listed on a ballot paper in the most unwinnable seat in the country would probably be a major achievement for Joe Average Party Member.
To back up Mr. Mulcair, a Labor Premier of South Australia, Frank Walsh, started out by running in the safe LCL seat of Mitcham in 1938, deemed unwinnable. However, he impressed the party faithful enough to win preselection for the safe Labor seat of Goodwood, at the following election.
So Mr. Hannant, running here for the LNP, if he impresses the party enough, could very well be in a position to run in a better seat for the LNP in 2018.
Plenty of LNP candidates in hopeless seats found their way into parliament last time around.
True David, but last election was a one in 100 year anti-Labor slaughtering.
Inala is an ALP seat but 34% of electorate in 2012 voted LNP.
44.1 % wanted Palaszczuk. She was elected with Green Preferences . Only 29% of Green votes went to ALP directly. Consequently she needed KAP Preferences to get elected. KAP preferences split 50/50 between ALP and LNP (No doubt the balance of Green Preferences ended up with ALP).
We should be thanking the LNP candidate in INala for standing. Just as we should be thanking the ALP candidate in Southern Downs. There motives are either long term (as Mark MUlcair states above) or totally honourable. I can see this even though I regard both of thheir policies as evil.
One of the worst things that Newman has done is to successfully limit minor Party candidates and to a lesser extent independents from standing forcing people like me to have to choose between the Devil and Satan.
Andrew Jackson
Palaszczuk polled 12,106 first preference votes. After the distribution of preferences, the LNP only reached 10,159, so to say Palaszczuk needed preferences to win isn’t accurate. She reached 50% on the distribution of the Greens so she certainly didn’t need any KAP preferences to be elected. It is extremely rare under optional preferential voting for the candidate leading on first preferences to be run down, and it didn’t happen in any seats at the 2012 election, though Labor won the South Brisbane by-election from behind on Green preferences.
Antony Green on board – that’s awesome. Welcome aboard 🙂
I don’t know where you’re getting your numbers from, Andrew. Palaszczuk polled 46.2% of the primary vote, not 44.1%.
As Antony said, Palaszczuk passed 50% on Greens preferences before KAP preferences were distributed, but Labor also polled enough votes that they would have won solely based on votes exhausting – the Labor primary vote was more than 50% of the vote after preferences.
A Budgerigar on an ALP ticket would win this one with no problem.
Even with the huge hostility weighed upon the Bligh government the seat of Inala and its host of mule voters elected rarely look or weigh up any other candidates and with a swing back to the ALP of about 6% as predicted I see no problem in the ALP retaining this seat
The Greens are bringing a fresh alternative to the seat of Inala with Silke Volkmann. You can find out more about Silke at
Palaszczuk is campaigning on Youth Unemployment perhaps all us younger people should inherit high paying jobs from our parents just like she did.
Typical bitter comment from a hack like John Swift. Say whatever you want about her but she worked to get the endorsement for one of safe labor’s seat and she has worked hard to earn it being a good minister and now a genuine possibility for premier. Good on her for campaigning on an issue that probably won’t win as many votes but doing it because its right
Cameron Dick will take over as leader after the election consigning Palaszczuk to a long conga line of failed Labor Leaders.
Are you tying to say she will join the likes of Bligh and Beattie and Goss who all served as Premier AND served longer then Newman will?
And regardless of the result she has achieved so much. To be in an election winning position with just 9 members is astonishing
Bligh, Beattie & Goss, a Conga line of complete failures.
Oh so this is just hack work, after all you have recycled the same ‘joke’ on a few other seats now. Well played anonymous hack, well played
But must say it takes a special type of failure to command 78 seats and three years later be staring down the possibility of defeat and almost certain prospect of losing your own seat. Shame Annastacia doesn’t campaign on unemployment in general because Newman would benefit greatly after the election
its strange that it lists Adam Hannant as a Candidate. He has been out of the country for 6 weeks. I know him as he is a member of the Church I go to. I will probebly come as a shock to him when he gets back that he’s been nominated to contest the seat.
This is Inala guys Annastacia should get 80% of the primary
Pauline will win in Lockyer
Depending what seats labor picks up, this would be my pick for the shadow cabinet if Anastasia remains leader:
Leader of the opposition: Annastacia Palaszczuk
Deputy Leader/Agriculture: Kerry Shine
Treasury/Trade: Cameron Dick
Planning and Infrastructure: Stirling Hinchcliffe
Police: Bill Byrne
Education: Kate Jones
Environment: Yvette Dath
Health: Anthony Lynham
Housing: Joanne Miller
Transport: Jackie Trad
Mining: Curits Pitt
Attorney General: Peter Russo
Energy: Mark Furner
Local government: Grace Grace
Communities/Child Safety: Shannon Fentiman
Science and Art: Di Farmer
Sport and racing: Duncan Pegg
Tourism/Major Events: Rob Pyne
Indigenous Affairs: Mark Ryan
Assisting the leader would go to Billy Gordon or Linus Power
You are dreaming Observer, Cameron Dick will take over as Premier.
I thing Cameron Dick will roll Annastacia as leader and What a name for Mining Minister “Pitt”
Still we can hope for 45 Independents KAP ONP or anyone but the Majors ?
Time and time again the bunch of Pollies in ALP and LNP have sold us out
Why do people still vote for the Major Parties If you go to a car yard and buy a lemon you done go back and buy another do you
Annastacia Palaszczuk so what was the rate of the GST? “Queensland Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk … opposition leader has made a gaffe on radio, saying she didn’t know the GST rate”. How can anyone vote for her?
Your right John! Forgetting the GST rate in a quiz is much worse then sacking thousands, giving jobs to mates, making it easier to receive thousands of undisclosed donations to campaigns and destroying the Great Barrier Reef.
Why can’t she campaign in the professional conduct Newman has by making unsubstantiated claims about bikies funding labor’s camapaign, calling an election during Australia Day weekend, not attending his electorate forum, not answering questions not related to the economy and ditching his endangered colleagues in NQLD because he can’t win his seat.
I think Observer nailed that response. Nothing else needs to be said.
I wouldn’t vote for either party ALP or NLP, both a lot of corrupt self interested liars. To forget the GST for a Political Leader just shows the level of her knowledge, on that alone she doesn’t deserve any ones vote. Dopes the lot of them.
I sorta think a leader running in a safe opponents seat is more unintelligent. Your just trying to capitalise on the gaffe to draw focus away on the Newman campaign, yes it is strange she forgot but the GST really hasn’t been an issue in the campaign so I don’t think its been on her mind of late. Maybe you have a problem with a female leader given that you paint yourself as anti-major parties but haven’t made any attacks on Newman, just directly at Anna (not even labor in general).
John Swift HERE HERE You have hit the nail on the head Two Party system is bent as the road through West Wyalong . We need Representative that are impartial and independent who will go to Parliament wwith one objective and that is to represent the electorate and nobody else
Labor and LNP should be last on everyones ballot paper then see whats left ovr to vote for
They have show time and time agin they are corrupt to the core and belong in Gaol not Parliament
A royal commission should be called into the two party system
I guess it slipped you mind Observer (or perhaps we should call you ALP Staffer) that Newman is not running in Inala (a seat that I am interested in as I lived there for 10 years) I have already voted, I put the LNP last as in the seat where I live the incumbent LNP Member is a dope. ALP was second last (only because of the aforementioned dope).
My prediction: The ALP’s safest seat at the 2012 election, and with its member Annastacia Palaszczuk now Opposition Leader, it should become a lot safer.
What is wrong with Newman’s dismissing so many? Goss dismissed 6,000 public servants from jobs they said were supernumeres (no work available) then added 12,000 to nonexisting jobs for the boys in the first year of his government. so 18000 employes in non-existing positions within Goss’s first year.
How many more jobs for the boys were added by Beatty and Bligh with all the years by both when in power?
It was interesting with Goss action against Joh for fraud. Where did the Workers Compensation fund suddenly disappear same time as 6000 retrenchments? It was in the same time immdiately after the 6,000 left that Goss claimed the WC fund are broke by false claims?? and dramatically increased the empoyers contributinons to rebuild that fund