Hornsby by-election incoming after Kean’s resignation


Former NSW treasurer Matt Kean has chosen today, NSW budget day, to announce that he will be retiring from state politics, thus triggering a by-election for his seat of Hornsby.

He has also said that he won’t run for federal politics, dismissing speculation about a challenge to federal Liberal MP Paul Fletcher in Bradfield.

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  1. @Nimalan and @DanM, it’s mainly Manningham that is similar to The Hills as indicated from The Libs and No vote. Whitehorse and Monash is rather unique with a has a large socially progressive (as evident from the High Yes Vote) but slightly fiscally conservative middle class swing voting Anglo so that is why ALP/Libs is known to be close in this part of Melbourne

  2. Agree Marh, Monash is very similar to Ryde or Parramatta councils in Sydney. Both Monash and Ryde/Parramatta councils are located in the middle ring suburbs and have a high proportion of ethnic minorities (mostly of Asian background), more so compared to the outer suburbs in Manningham/Hills Shire respectively.

  3. I expect Liberals to gain ground here even if Labor runs.

    Liberal Democrats are now Libertarians and so this would reduce the confusion between the Liberals and Libertarians, not to mention Libertarians were first on the ballot in 2023. One Nation is in the pits now that Mark Latham’s out. There’s a slim chance a teal or independent will knock off the Liberals.

    Matt Kean will head the Climate Change Authority. He won’t be forgotten by Sky News After Dark. He probably cops more criticism from Sky News than Mark Speakman does.

  4. @Votante Cops more criticism from Sky Aftrr Dark than any other Liberal, and probably more than everyone bar Albo, Bowen, Bandt and maybe Wong as well

  5. @ Marh/Yoh An
    Sorry i missed this for some reason. Agree Manningham is more comparable to the Hills than Whitehorse or Monash LGA. Manningham despite not being as far from the CBD does have an outer Surburban vibes large McMansions and the Urban Growth boundary goes through the middle of it and half of it is semi-rural. This is contrast to Monash or Whitehorse LGA. However, maybe parts of Whitehorse like Vermont area can be compared to Winston Hills and Wheelers Hill maybe West Pennant Hills etc. However, i agree that Manningham is more socially conservative than Whitehorse or Monash councils.

  6. @Votante @SCart someone should count how many times each politician has been criticised by Sky After Dark. Kean and Pesutto would definitely make the top 10, and if Speakman was more well-known he would be too. I’ll see what I can do.

    Anyway, Kean should run for a federal teal seat. He would be able to win it and it would’ve been better than taking the job with Albo and Bowen.

  7. NP – although Kean as a moderate with outspoken views would be sidelined from the party room frequently, probably worse than Bridget Archer (who largely stays quiet but speaks up when needed). As a result, he probably feels that he doesn’t want to endure that sort of treatment and would prefer to just take up an external role instead.

  8. Hes due to retire in August apparently in line with the 18 month hiatus of him ceasing to be a minister and thereby removing conflict of interest clause. Ideal date for this would be sept 14 along with NSW council elections to save the Hornsby voters having to go back to the polls twice

  9. The 18 month limit applies to ex-ministers who seek to undertake lobbying. It has no impact on ex-ministers appointed to public authorities.

  10. Extremely bad idea to hold the by-election alongside the council elections. We just talked about this in relation to the QLD council elections.

  11. Ben Raue – although a difference is that for NSW elections, they all have similar instructions to ‘number at least one box, with further preferences optional’ regardless of whether it is a single member or multi member contest. Unlike Queensland which had contrasting instructions (OPV for mayoral and most council ward elections, a special type of FPTP block vote for certain council ward elections and then full preferences required for the state by elections).

  12. Although the argument against holding the by election in conjunction with the council election still holds weight due to the different systems involved (single member vs multi member) that would cause confusion when it comes round to counting the votes.

  13. @josh do you really think hes giving up a $172000 a year just for a job that pays $65000? hes got another private sector job lined up in addition to that position announced by albo

  14. he’s giving up a job that pays $65k *base*, plus his parliamentary pension. He needs to resign to be appointed to CCA, so he’ll be out imminently now that his announcement is public.

    Re: timing; what would prevent them being on the same day? Seems ludicrous to let Hornsby residents go to the polls twice in short succession. The OPV voting is the same in the Hornsby Mayoralty and the Hornsby Assembly… Just give them 3 ballot papers instead of 2.

  15. @josh im sure the job isnt a full time job and im pretty ure hes got some other private sector job lined up. why do you think hes ritring exactly 18 months after he stopped being a minister?

  16. Instructions should be number all squares with a savings provision to catch possible informal votes

  17. Michael/Mick Quinlivan, CCA is the Climate Change Authority – a government agency responsible for providing advice on climate change policy.

  18. I believe Matt Kean wants a private sector job to do with climate change or renewable energy.

    @Moderate, you’re talking federal parliamentary pensions. I’m not sure if Matt Kean as an ex-state minister will get a golden handshake.

    @Nether Portal, he won’t win a teal seat. First off, his options are very limited. North Sydney is getting abolished. Secondly, the Northern Beaches LGA is like an exclave and has its own identity. It is insular and cut off by bush land such as that of Ku-Ring-Gai NP. If he runs in Mackeller or Warringah, he’ll be seen as a complete outsider and parachute candidate. The teals can easily tie him in with Peter Dutton and rerun the election on climate politics.

  19. I agree with Votante that the Northern Beaches has it own identity. It sort of also has a different culture in the sense it not really full of elite private schools like the North Shore and the Eastern Suburbs rather it is more of a surfer boy culture. I feel it is a bit like Orange County, California.


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